Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So, I started training last week following the suggestions on this site:, the 16 week program.
I'm NOT training for the Chicago Marathon mostly because I'd die.
There's one in Ann Arbor, MI in April that I think I can make...if i like it (and don't die) I may shoot for Chicago next year (but I'm a little ahead of myself there).

So, on Tue, Thur, and Sunday I run on hardscape Tue 3 mi, Thur 4 mi, Sunday (after Mass) 6 mi.
On Monday, Wed, and Friday I do regular weight machine training.

Went to the doc last week (after I'd already started) and asked if he thought I should do this. He said yes (he's a marathoner, too -- kinda like asking a junkie if you should try a joint, perhaps) and he saw no "contra indications" don't ya love medical lingo?

So, last Sunday I did my 6 miles and didn't die, hence this post. My knees were, ah, not happy with me but I went to the gym on Monday and by Tuesday I was running and today (Wed) I can still walk. I may be able to do this.

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